How to compete in the Miss Utah Scholarship Competition:
- Visit to verify your eligibility.
- See list of local qualifying competitions below and contact the director for more information
Local Competitions (ordered alphabetically)
Miss American Fork
Local Director: Dorinda Ledkins
Instagram: @missamericanforkorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in American Fork.
Miss Beaver County & Miss Beaver County’s Teen
Local Director: Kjirsta Yardley
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Beaver County.
Miss Cache Valley – Returning in 2025!
Local Director: Wendy Sanders
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Cache County.
Miss Duchesne County & Miss Duchesne County’s Teen
Local Director: Chealsi Thacker
Instagram: @missduchesnecountyorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Duchesne County.
Miss Eagle Mountain & Miss Eagle Mountain’s Teen
Local Director: Jessica Bodily
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Eagle Mountain.
Miss Garfield County
Local Director: Tari Cottam
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Garfield County.
Miss Greater Salt Lake/Miss Timpanogos/Miss Deseret/Miss Aspen Hills
& Miss Greater Salt Lake’s Teen/Miss Timpanogos’s Teen/Miss Deseret’s Teen/Miss Aspen Hills’s Teen
Local Director: Jessica Adams
Teen Director: JennyLynn Meek
Instagram: @missgslorganization
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in the state of Utah.
Miss Herriman/Miss Salt Lake County & Miss Oquirrh Mountain’s Teen
Local Director: Laura Twitchell
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Herriman (Herriman crown) or the state of Utah (Salt Lake County crown).
Miss Iron County & Miss Iron County’s Teen
Local Director: Karen Ence
Instagram: @missironcountyorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Iron County.
Miss Legacy/Miss Pioneer Valley/Miss Rocky Mountain/Miss Zion
Local Director: Brittany Butler
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in the state of Utah.
Miss Lehi & Miss Lehi’s Teen
Local Director: Kate Daly
Teen Director: Jenn Thomas
Instagram: @misslehiorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Lehi.
Miss Murray
Local Director: Lindsey Smith
Instagram: @missmurrayorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Murray.
Miss Nebo/Miss Panoramaland/Miss Salt Creek
Local Director: Jalena Warner
Instagram: @missneboorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in the state of Utah.
Miss Northern Utah
Local Director: Melissa Payne
Instagram: @missnorthernutahorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Morgan, and Weber Counties.
Miss Orem & Miss Orem’s Teen
Local Director: Donna Millard
Teen Directors: Danielle Meeves and Cortlyn Tanner
Instagram: @missoremorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Orem and Vineyard.
Miss Pacific Islander
Local Directors: Sola Lavona and Lia Lauti
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in the State of Utah and of Pacific Islander descent.
Miss Payson
Local Directors: Chelise Walker and Amber Woodland
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Payson.
Miss Pleasant Grove
Local Director: Kym Wilson
Instagram: @misspleasantgroveorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Pleasant Grove or Lindon.
Miss Provo/Miss Freedom Festival
Local Director: Robyn Pulham
Instagram: @missprovoorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Provo.
Miss Riverton
Local Director: Sheril Garn
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Riverton.
Miss Roy
Local Director: Alix Harvey and Mercedes Suski
Instagram: @missroyorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Roy.
Miss Salem & Miss Salem’s Teen
Local Director: Bailey Deason
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Salem.
Miss Sanpete County & Miss Sanpete County’s Teen
Local Director: Julie Reese
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Sanpete County.
Miss Southern Utah & Miss Southern Utah’s Teen
Local Director: Maddie Brostrom
Instagram: @misssouthernutahorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in the state of Utah.
Miss Spanish Fork
Local Director: Jennifer Olson
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Spanish Fork.
Miss Springville/Mapleton
Local Directors: Karen Schultz, Jana Davis, and Courtney Schultz
Instagram: @missspringvillemapletonorg
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Springville or Mapleton.
Miss Utah County
Local Director: Cheri Erekson
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Utah County.
Miss Utah Tech University
Local Director: Morgan Olson
Instagram: @missutahtechuniversityorg
Open to full-time students at Utah Tech University.
Miss Wasatch County/Miss Heber Valley
Local Directors: Aja Phillips and Giuliana Willis
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Wasatch County.
Miss Washington County/Miss Greater Zion
Local Director: Alison Anderson
Instagram: @misswashingtoncounty_org
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Washington County.
Miss Weber County
Local Director: Pat Poce
Instagram: Coming soon
Open to contestants who live, attend school, or work full-time in Weber County.
Are you interested in starting a local competition? Please email [email protected] to learn how you can join our statewide network of volunteers and make a difference in your local community.
Open Local Licenses:
- Miss Box Elder County
- Miss Millcreek
- Miss Northern Utah County
- Miss Sevier County
- Miss Summit County
- Double-crown “open” competition (open to contestants who live/attend school/work full-time in the state of Utah)